Contact Us

Contact Us Page

Hello, you've reached our contact page!

Please see our parameters of outreach and let's coordinate a meeting!

If you need immediate assistance, please see the

"Collaborate & Capacity Build" Link in the bottom of the document to book Kit.

Schedule Meeting with a Practitioner :]

a picture of Kit, a Black woman smiling with a Black dress and flowers of varying colors, with a red rose in their right ear

Kit Fenrir Amreik (they/she)

Email: kitdamreik

Best Time to Reach: anytime from 10am-7pm MT

a picture of Yesinia JJ, a Black person wearing a green shirt

Yesinia JJ (pronoun agnostic)

Email: feel free to reach out to Kit for forwarding

Best Time to Reach: on case-by-case basis as shadowing occurs

a picture of Chelsea Colby, a White person against a grey background, wearing a blue sweater, and smiling with leopard print glasses.

Chelsea Colby (she/they)

Email: chelsea23lynn

Best Time to Reach: depends on the time of year TBH but I'd say generally 3 PM - 6 PM

a picture of Cori Falco, a White person with makeup on against a beach background, smiling with a light blue floral top

Cori Falco (she/her)

Email: corifalco

Best Time to Reach: general availability - evenings after 6 pm EST

a picture of Theresa Yannetty, a White person smiling with light makeup coupled with a stuffed animal in a chair

Tree Yannetty (she/they)

Email: tyannetty

Best Time to Reach: Between 9 and noon, then 2 and 5, EST

a picture of Timothy Scott Crumley, a White person smiling with a blue shirt, crosslegged against a neutral background

Timothy Scott Crumley (he/him)

Email: timothycrumley

Best Time to Reach: early afternoon during the week, should respond by the end of the day, within 24 hours at the latest.

a picture of Kristopher JT Toma-Lee, a 35 y/o genderqueer trans guy from Massachusetts. They are holding their phone, wearing a black undershirt and a green and blue shirt.

Kristopher JT Toma-Lee (they/he)

Email: Rainbowtardis

Best Time to Reach: M-F: 4:30-7pm, Sat 1-6pm EST

a picture of Rachel Freed Sussman, a White person smiling and snuggled in a blanket against a beach background

Rachel Freed Sussman (any pronoun)

Email: rachelsussman

Phone: [###-###-####]

Best Time to Reach: Please email!